Remember to Breathe!

Remember to breathe! 10 days left before the Presidential election voting day November 3rd.
2 Presidential debates and 1 VP debate did not move the polling data in any meaningful way.
Mail-in ballots are flooding the system and the long lines of persons seeking to cast an in-person early vote have been record-breaking. Over 50 million ballots cast already.

The desperation of the Trump campaign and the GOP increases daily attempting to use as many voter suppression tactics as they can dream up. They know the rising blue tide could
wipe them out of power. Ramming through a Supreme Court nominee just a few days before the election is the ultimate example of this desperation.

The world watches and waits to see if the American electorate will vote in overwhelming numbers to support its own democracy or sink ever-deeper into a Neo-fascist nightmare
affecting the international order and the stability enjoyed for the past 75 years.

Character, honesty, integrity, compassion and hope for a better future for all Americans are the core elements at stake in this election. Watch carefully how these values will be
displayed over the remaining ten days.


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